For those who are trying to trace the connection between CDs and funds lets clear it at the onset The CDs under discussion are not the compact discs you play but the Certificates of Deposit CDs that you invest on to grow your money in the bank or other financial institutions Commonly referred to as money in the bank CDs are nothing but time deposits offered by banks credit unions or thrift institutions These are a type of savings accounts but these are timebound CDs have fixed terms three six twelve or more months and fixed interest rates for each term CDs are meant to be kept in the banks till they mature One good thing is that these are insured by FDIC for banks or NCUA for credit unions Therefore your investment is virtually riskfree CDs are the right choice for those who want to build their finances and secure their earnings If you asked why the reasons are not hard to guess The interest rates on CDs are typically much higher than ordinary savings accounts Now you ma

For those who are trying to trace the connection between CDs and funds lets clear it at the onset The CDs under discussion are not the compact discs you play but the Certificates of Deposit CDs that you invest on to grow your money in the bank or other financial institutions Commonly referred to as money in the bank CDs are nothing but time deposits offered by banks credit unions or thrift institutions These are a type of savings accounts but these are timebound CDs have fixed terms three six twelve or more months and fixed interest rates for each term CDs are meant to be kept in the banks till they mature One good thing is that these are insured by FDIC for banks or NCUA for credit unions Therefore your investment is virtually riskfree CDs are the right choice for those who want to build their finances and secure their earnings If you asked why the reasons are not hard to guess The interest rates on CDs are typically much higher than ordinary savings accounts Now you ma