Judgments will stay on your credit for 7 years after the last activity on them. So whether it is satisfied or you still owe a lot of money, a judgment will destroy your credit for a long time. Creditors will place judgments on your credit report when you have defaulted on a loan or credit account with them. They want their money bad enough to file a lawsuit and take you to court. So whether you show up or not, they will get their money.Judgments like bankruptcies and tax liens involve the government, which is bad news for anyone. Rest assured they will garnish your wages or take your taxes to pay them back. Whether you owe them or not, having something from a courthouse on your credit reports looks bad to any new lender looking to give you a loan.
Late payments hurt your credit and eventually your pocket. Your creditors and the credit bureaus would like you think that once you have a late payment on your credit report, you can't get it off. That is completely false. Late payments like any other derogatory negative item on your credit report can be disputed. That's the law.For the first time, FICO has released the exact amount a late payment can damage your credit score. One 30-day late payment can drop your score anywhere from 60 to 110 points on your credit score. JUST ONE LATE PAYMENT!!!
Some websites hook you up, some rip you off, and others, well not sure what they are doing. They all offer free credit reports, but why is there so many companies wanting to give something away for free. Usually that means there is something in it for them, but doesn&#39;t mean you can&#39;t take advantage of it.<!-- wysiwyg -->
The reason you cringe when people look at your credit report, is because you know what&#39;s on your credit report and it isn&#39;t gold stars and thumbs up. You&#39;re human and humans like to have a life. You were in college, you wanted a nice car to drive, you needed nice clothes. You couldn&#39;t pay all the credit cards, so you paid the important bills, like the keg bill, the date with the hot girl bill, and so on. There are millions of reasons you have bad credit and quite frankly they aren&#39;t bad reasons<!-- wysiwyg -->
There are certain life skills that you learn in school or from your parents that are essential to living life. These can include doing your taxes, changing your oil, and cooking food. Something that isn't taught, but has become and important part of every person's financial livelihood is credit restoration. Credit Restoration Should Be Taught in Schools.