
Профиль пользователя Python programmer (Python_developer)

Закладки: 1
Файлы: 0
Комментарии: 0
Интересы:Python[1] telecommute[1] outsource[1] resume[1] remote[1] outsourcing[1] offshore[1] belarus[1] Беларусь[1] Минск[1]
Друзья: hsw, santail, Kosmo, Dante
Участник групп:ajax
Дата регистрации:
4.07.2007 19:41
Мой сайт:wiki.python.org/moin/DmitrySelitsky
О себе: Senior Software Engineer with more than eight years experience.
Areas of expertise include: database/backends design,
Master Data Management, software integration,
user interfaces, scripting, general IT expertise.
Work well independently and within a result oriented team, able to view software through
the eyes of the end-customer. Self-starter with minimal amount of instructions
and supervision.