You may not know their names; you may not know their stories -- but they made America. American history is filled with the stories of influential innovators, whose ideas and entrepreneurial spirit gave birth to commercial milestones like the steamboat and cultural touchstones like the Barbie doll. Twelve of these individuals are profiled in They Made America, a four-part television series from the producers of American Experience. They Made America examines America's evolution over two centuries, from the infancy of the country, to its growth as an industrial power, through its global reach today. The inaugural production of WGBH's History Unit, They Made America features commentary from renowned editor and journalist Harold Evans, author of They Made America: From the Steam Engine to the Search Engine -- Two Centuries of Innovation with Gail Buckland and David Lefer (Little, Brown, 2004).
Avotaynu, Inc. is the leading publisher of products of interest to persons who are researching Jewish genealogy, Jewish family trees or Jewish roots. The books we sell are meant to assist you in your research—from beginner guides to books about Jewish surnames.
Интернет-журнал по вопросам еврейской генеалогии
Motherboard.TV is an online video network and community focused on the exploration of the nature and culture of technology, as viewed through the lenses of curated editorial content, community, and dialogue.
We stream 100 percent original video content and complement it with sharply written stories by a revolving cast of editors from around the world.
But that's not the least of it. In addition to sniffing out the smartest, most ground-breaking arbiters and advances of tech-related culture, Motherboard.TV also invites its viewers to join the discussion, serving as a much-needed forum for user-generated ideas and contributions
The Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, we provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, and the general public.
Архив печатных, и звуковых материалов
Он-лайн дневник журналиста Зеева Галили. Галили - главный репортер в отделе новостей "Едиот ахоронот", заместитель главного редактора газеты. Он также ведет колонку в "правой" газете "Макор ришон".
עיתונאי. ב"ידיעות אחרונות" – משכתב ראשי בדסק החדשות, ראש כתבים, מרכז מערכת וממלא מקום העורך הראשי. בעל טור בעיתון "מקור ראשון". מלמד באקדמיה (תקשורת, פילוסופיה), מדריך כתיבה אפקטיבית בעשרות עסקים, משרדי ממשלה ומוסדות ציבור, מחבר ספרי ילדים, סופר צללים – הכל לשעבר.
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