SME Facebook Likebox Sidebar is a facebook sidebar slider module. It displays during the hover action over icon. It’s free and icons are fantastic. Get this Share Full description Reviews (9) Other extensions (2) Facebook becoming an important part of our virtual world. From business to social life facebook filling an important part. We can connect our website visitors on a media using a likebox easily and can update viewers about our website quicker. Putting a facebook likebox on website is always tricky. But now using our sme likebox sidebar we can get the task done more easily and quicker. Some bullets: I) An icon on website sidebar is quite appealing and we have four beautiful icons which can easily switch from backend. That to make sure the icon is more appear and easily catch any viewer eyes. Once a user will do hover over our icon the facebook likebox will popup. Viewers can like the page using the like button. II) Height, Width is customizable. III) We’re using jQuery from Joomla Framework. Joomla 3 have jQuery by default but to support Joomla 2.5 as well we have an option to include jQuery. So if you have joomla 3 don’t worry but if you have Joomla 2.5 you can just add the jQuery in mins. IV) Free Support, Full Documentation. What else you need huh?
Tired of forms creator components too complicated or not really working??
jForms is the solution!
It uses the power of joomla core JFORM class and JDOM library to create and manage forms and wizard easily!
compatibility from j1.6 to j3.3.x
you can also integrate your own PHP and HTML scripts, give a try!
a tutorial is coming very soon! stay tuned!
please report us any bugs you may find, contact us on
Artof Editor is a WYSIWYG plugin for Joomla based on the very popular CKEditor. It is up to date with version 3.6 of CKEditor.
This plugin gives you the ability to select a different editing toolbar for frontend and backend users and several other features. This is a simple editor but my personal favourite to use with Joomla, particularly if you are writing technical articles with code snippets, and does not suffer from some of the feature bloat compared to other editors (like JCE). It's simple, it works and it's free.
Easy Embed Video - is the easier way to insert embed videos in your JoomlaTM 2.5 articles.
In version 2.0:
added HTML5 and iOS support for,,,,,
no more double links even with JCE
improved stability, perfomance and reliability
added fullscreen support for all embed videos
Just install, publish plugin and paste link or just URL to video page inside your article.
Plugin supports next video providers:
youtube (with HTML5 and iOS support)
google video (with HTML5 and iOS support)
vimeo (with HTML5 and iOS support)
mpora (with HTML5 and iOS support)
ku6 (with HTML5 and iOS support) (with HTML5 and iOS support)
For example insert such links inside your article text:
and video player will appear in your article automatically.
Inspired on Easiertube plugin for JoomlaTM 1.5, rewrited for JoomlaTM 1.6 and 1.7 with some refactoring done
MooAccordion makes it very easy to add MooTools accordion slides (show/hide blocks) to any article, which can be used to organize and display content more effectively (like in a FAQ page). The syntax is simple and easy to use.
• adds minimal markup (and intelligently strips unnecessary markup added by editors like tinyMCE and JCE, if present) to keep the html clean and valid
• uses Joomla core MooTools library, which means this plugin adds no HTTP requests, minimizes dependencies, prevents JS conflicts, and makes it very lightweight
• adds CSS class for active block title, allowing you to toggle it's icon (for ex, from a + to a - icon— visit for a tutorial on how to do so); more generally, the markup is fully CSS customizable
• very easy for anyone to use (without technical knowledge) and very flexible
• the show/hide effects and other settings are easily customizable from the plugin's configuration
• compatible with IE 6-9, Firefox, Safari, Opera, etc.
The plugin is similar to JoomlaWork’s Tabs & Slides (in content items) Plugin, the plugin I originally used before being inspired to write this one. My biggest problem with the JW plugin was that when I added the plugin syntax into an article, the plugin would create invalid markup from it, because the WYSIWIG editor automatically wrapped it in an element. Also, it seemed foolish to use an old accordion script rather than the built-in accordion plugin that Joomla already comes with. This plugin solves those issues, and does so efficiently and robustly.