Стимпанк (или паропанк) - термин, рожденный английскими словами «steam» и «punk». Со словом «steam» - «пар», всё кристально ясно - оно является основополагающим для жанра. Паровые технологии правят миром! Представьте, в конце 19 века была построена машина Бэббиджа, величиной с собор Святого Павла, технократичное общество разделено на классы и помимо веры в Бога как такового (что совсем не обязательно) верит в Бога в машине. А машина эта управляется паром, что делает его основной жизненной силой, питающей мироздание. Паровозы, дирижабли, квадроциклы на пару, механизированные имплантанты - паровая реальность.
Besides enjoying light effects triggered by your in-game actions on the interactive TRON® gaming mouse designed by Razer, you will experience a tracking glow trail as you swipe your mouse across the smooth, hard surface of the TRON Gaming Mouse Mat Designed by Razer. The gaming mouse and hard mat form the definite suite to immerse you deeply into the digital world of TRON. The gaming mouse mat is the perfect peripheral to complement your gaming mouse, as it’s made for high sensitivity gaming mice and offers the highest tracking precision.
Prepare to lay programs and fellow gamers to waste with the precision of a Lightcycle carving a jetwall. From the rez and derez lighting effects during startup and shutdown to the smooth black finish of the Hyperesponse keys, the backlit TRON® Gaming Keyboard Designed by Razer is exactly what you need to dominate the Game Grid. A detachable modular keypad, lighting effects triggered by in-game alerts, and fully programmable keys with macro capabilities almost turn this keyboard into a Recognizer capturing you in the TRON universe.
NEW YORK (AP) — She’s engaged on NBC’s “The Office,” and now, Jenna Fischer can say the same in real life.
Her spokesman, Lewis Kay, says the 35-year-old actress and her boyfriend, screenwriter Lee Kirk, became engaged in Paris on June 30.
Kay says the couple have been dating since January 2008.
Fischer was previously married to filmmaker James Gunn. They announced their split in September 2007 after six years of marriage.
I think this is one of the best looks The Office actress has ever had on the red carpet. Jenna and Vanessa wanted an easy, sexy look and focused on a bronze smoky eye. Vanessa used Shu Uemura Pressed Eye Shadow in ME Gold #350 from the lash line to the crease and under the lower lashes and topped that with Shu shadow in ME Brown #855. She then lined the eyes with black Shu Painting Liner and added false eyelashes topped with Kiehl’s Marvelous Mineral Mascara (a new personal fave!). Like the other looks, lips were simple: Shu Uemura’s Rouge Unlimited Supreme Shine in Beige 911.
Who were your favorite looks from the Emmys? Any hair, makeup or nails you particularly liked?
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